Brittinie Tran is a mother of 3, splitting her time between her own top-rated podcast Girl, Same and being the President of the Board for Hot Mess Express. What is Hot Mess Express? Good question. It’s the women-led non-profit with chapters across the United States, serving women in their communities with zero judgment through cleaning, organizing, and offering a fresh start. Look, we all need a break and sometimes that’s hard to admit. And we all need some help and sometimes that’s even harder to admit. We don’t want to look—or worse feel—like we can’t do it all, especially when we see everyone around us (seemingly) killing it each and every day. Hot Mess Express—and Brittinie—get this and they offer a solution simply by rolling up their sleeves and getting to work. Community is needed more than ever in this world and that’s what this episode is all about. It’s also about traveling and living in an RV with your spouse, 3 children and 3 dogs—but that you’ll have to listen to find out more.
Visit Brittinie at HotMessExpress.co and GirlSameThePodcast.com or follow on social media:
Hot Mess Express:
Girl, Same: