Cats Gone Good
World Gone Good podcast

Wendy Miller loves cats and cards, games and fun. That last word is the most important one. She’s someone who follows her fun and it’s taken her to many hilarious places including CatCon. We talk about the secret to happiness, how expectations will get you every time, and why your dumbest idea might just be your best idea. If you’re hiding your secret passion it’s time to let your freak flag fly (or in this case, your kitty litter fly). Prepare to be inspired by someone who is not just meowing the meow, she’s walking the cat walk (OK, I’ll stop with the cat puns). And finally, Wendy was also in a Morris the Cat commercial as a child and if that doesn’t make you listen to this episode, I don’t know what will.

Get your own Ask Your Cat cards at, visit Wendy at or follow her on social media at:

Cats Gone Good