Alethea Kehas
World Gone Good podcast

Alethea Kehas started listening to her inner-voice and her life changed forever. Look, we’re all stressed out, right? The last two years have been a shit show (how’s that for World Gone Good positive language?). Alethea’s stress may have happened a few years prior, but we can all relate to the headache or the migraine or the stomach problems. She decided to make a change, a mindset change, and it reverberated through her and healed her physically. Powerful stuff, the mind, heart and gut, donchathink? We talk about this, her practicing and teaching yoga and reiki, as well as her work as an author with two books published. And it all comes back to one common good thread: Listening – and trusting – our inner-voice.

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Alethea Kehas
Alethea Kehas
A Girl Named Truth by Alethea Kehas
Warriors of Light: The Labyrinth by Alethea Kehas