Love Gone Good - Martha Madison, Michael Maloney, Sonia Blangiardo, John Carrozza, Doug Prinzivalli
World Gone Good podcast

We celebrate love this Valentine’s week with a twist: It’s love in the afternoon. Join us as we explore the good of real love versus the fictional love we find five days a week on daytime dramas. Guests include Days of Our Lives’ actor Martha Madison and Emmy-winning director Sonia Blangiardo, entertainment reporter Michael Maloney, Pier 54 podcast hosts Shannon Koch and Amanda Kimmell, and two of my longtime close friends, John Carrozza and Doug Prinzivalli. They all have a love story to tell from how Martha first got her gig in Salem to how John and Doug fell for each other after finding out their mutual love of Another World.

SPOILER ALERT: No one comes back from the dead in this episode. But hooray for love none the less, people!

Love Gone Good - Martha Madison, Michael Maloney, Sonia Blangiardo, John Carrozza, Doug Prinzivalli
Martha Madison, Actor - Days of Our Lives

Martha Madison

Entertainment Reporter Michael Maloney

Michael Maloney

Emmy-winning director Sonia Blangiardo

Sonia Blangiardo

Doug Prinzivalli and John Carrozza

Doug Prinzivalli

John Carrozza

Pier 54 podcast hosts Shannon Koch & Amanda Kimmell

Pier 54 Podcast:

Shannon Koch &
Amanda Kimmell