Democracy Gone Good
World Gone Good podcast

Ryan Basham and Tara Devlin are two loud and proud activists, both on a good mission to keep democracy alive. Look, we get it, no one wants or needs another show about politics. But politics are part of our lives whether we like it or not so why don’t we do what we do best here on World Gone Good and hold hands, dive in, and find the light in the darkness together? Ryan and Tara share their goals in spreading the word as they strive to do on a daily basis and offer up good suggestions for what we can do as citizens and members of our own communities both locally and at large. Is it too late? They don’t think so. Is there any hope left? They say hell yeah and plenty of it if we all do our part. This is the good democracy show you’ve been needing.

Visit Ryan and Tara on their websites, or follow them on social media:

Democracy Gone Good

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